Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

The one thing about blogging is that it takes quite a bit
of dedication. A lot has happened since my last post.
The dinners at The Old North Branch Inn were a success.
Lassi is still going though greatly suffered at the
hands of those toying with the national economy.
I had a baby. I'm now part of a roundtable that combines
media and other food types just to see what might
happen if we eat enough salumi and gelato together.

I'll start slowly.

The dinners in North Branch were a huge success.
I did one that was a buffet and one that was plated----both
Indian. And I was able to do one more dinner with Amanda
Freitag from The Harrison before
the end of the season. Victoria from the Inn really wanted
me to have another dinner and we had Anita Lo ready to come
up and wow us all but I was getting larger and Anita was
exhausted from opening Bar Q so we've moved that to next season.

Amandas dinner was fantastic. She and her assistant, Love,
turned out a great menu href="">
I'm a bit remiss in my duties. But I've put in a call to Amanda
to remind me of her menu for that evening. I got to sit during that
dinner and enjoy the meal. I'll post the menu as soon as she calls me back.
I remember most of it. I just don't want to leave anything out.

And believe it or not, we
had quite the celebrity turn out. Here's a little proof:

This is Amanda with Mark Ruffalo and our new friend Ira. Ira is a principle of
a high school in Brooklyn. Which makes him a huge celebrity in our eyes.
And here is Debra Winger with the chef:

Of course, star sighting happen like this daily in NYC but for the life of me
I was shocked to be sitting next to these people in North Branch while
Pat, the plumber wife and old friend of my grandparents waited on me.
If you've read my post before, I'm sure you're more than ready to be over the
change in North Branch and the surrounding areas. You'll have to bear with me.
Deliverace was more the theme until recently and part of me happily died with it.


ChefTZac said...

Congratulations on the baby, Heather. I'm sure you remember me as the Indian culinary student who constantly wanted curry leaves. I miss Lassi's food now that I'm back at the CIA but will be back soon.

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